Post code on blogger from source file
Written by Akshay Chavan on #arccoder Blog
24 Jan 2015I have a blog Code Sangraha where I post usually C++ implementations. Everytime I have to post a implementation I have to do it manually to get the syntax highlighting. It was a tedious process to copy the code from visual studio to a word file and then to the blogger editor. This caused a lot of issues in the indentation of the code on the blogger.
I was looking for a automated or a semi automated way to post the code directly from the cpp file to the blog. Before starting work on a non manual process to post code on the blog, it was essential to find a cpp to html format converter. Some sort of library in which I could read the code from a text file and prefix and postfix a html tag.
Syntax Highlighter seems to be one of the best know code highlighters which provided such an option, but for some reason I wasn’t able to get it working. After a lot of research on an alternative to syntax highlighter which also involved implementing a preliminary python based code highlighter myself, I came across google-code-prettify and it worked in the first go and gave pretty good results (other than the border around the code). Therefore I decided to go with this library.
Now coming to the point of actually posting a blog. On that aspect the Google-Data API works perfectly and as I am more familiar with Microsoft development environment I choose to use C# to build a executable with command line. The sample code found in ConsoleSample.cs explains ways to log into a blog, select a blog, post a blog and update a blog. I choose to go with a command line interface cause I find it easy to use and probably anyone who writes code would be able to figure it out.
Code2Blogger usage
Code2Blogger -[OPTIONS] Arguments -[OPTIONS] -h or -help Shows how to use Code2Blogger Application -u Email ID / Username of the blogger account -p Password of the blogger account -b Blog ID for the blog -t Name / Title of the blog to be posted -a Name of the author -i Path to the code file Currently supports only one file at a time -o Path to the file containing the codes output
To find your Blog ID
- Log into your blogger account and open the dashboard of your blog
- In the URL you should find your 18 digit blog id
Command line usage
-u youremailaddress -b yourblogid -t “BlogTitle” -a “Author” -i ../../source.file -o ../../output.txt
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